Choose a Reliable Toilet that Fits Your Bathroom and Flushes Well

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No matter how you refer to it, the toilet in your bathroom stands as one of your home's pivotal components. While factors like its color and price hold significance, its water efficiency and flushing capability carry even greater weight. An effective toilet conserves water while efficiently cleaning the bowl with a single flush. (Conversely, a subpar one can cause twenty years of inconvenience.) This article aims to assist you in selecting a top-performing toilet that aligns with your bathroom's aesthetics, your financial constraints, and your comfort.

Water Conservation
Since 1994, federal regulations have mandated the use of low-flow toilets, which consume 1.6 gallons per flush (gpf) or less. However, the initial generation of these low-flow toilets left much to be desired—they didn't perform well. This was primarily because manufacturers made minor adjustments to reduce water usage without overhauling the fundamental design. As a result, you often had to flush them twice, negating any water-saving benefits. Fortunately, over the course of 15 years, significant advancements have been made in the design of these toilets. Manufacturers have implemented substantial improvements, such as larger trap-ways to prevent clogs and larger flush valves that enable a more forceful water rush into the bowl.

The following suggestions will simplify the process of selecting a new toilet for your bathroom. A toilet’s flushing mechanism is what matters most. While shopping at outlets such as, keep the following considerations in mind.

1. Pay Attention to the Flush Reliability

Considering you'll likely have your toilet for a decade or longer, investing just ten minutes in research before making a purchase is a wise choice. To make an informed decision, take a moment to compare independent evaluations of "flushing performance" for various toilet manufacturers and specific models. You can easily find this information by conducting a quick online search for "toilet testing." Top-ranked toilets include models from TOTO and EAGO.

2. Check for Utility Company Rebates

Approximately one-third of your household's water consumption can be attributed to the use of a toilet. High-efficiency toilets (HET) that utilize 1.28 gallons or less of water per flush are eligible for the EPA's WaterSense label. Installing such toilets can result in significant water savings of up to 4,000 gallons per person each year, and it's worth checking with your local water utility to see if they offer rebates for their installation. However, it's advisable to review independent test results before making a purchase, as some high-efficiency models have been reported to exhibit issues like staining and clogging by our plumbers.

3. Pressure-Assist Technology Will Make Your Life Easier

As per the insights shared by the plumbers we consulted, pressure-assist toilets outperform gravity toilets when it comes to water efficiency. These toilets incorporate a separate tank that stores water under pressure, resulting in a forceful and thorough waste removal during flushing. However, it's important to note that pressure-assist toilets come at a higher cost, typically exceeding $100, and they tend to produce more noise compared to gravity-based models. Additionally, sourcing parts and conducting repairs for pressure-assist toilets can be more challenging and cumbersome.

4. Consider Wall-Hung and One-Piece Toilets

Toilets with a one-piece design are simpler to maintain due to their streamlined construction, resulting in fewer crevices where dirt can accumulate. However, it's worth noting that they come at a higher cost and can pose challenges during installation compared to a two-piece toilet (mainly due to their heavier combined structure, as they lack a separate bowl and tank). If you have the budget and prioritize effortless cleaning, you might want to contemplate a wall-mounted toilet as an option.

5. Do You Need a Taller Toilet?

Toilets that adhere to the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines feature elevated bowl heights, typically measuring 17 inches or 19 inches, in contrast to the standard 15-inch height. This increased bowl height can provide enhanced comfort for taller individuals and those in their later years, while also being gentler on the back and knees. However, it's important to recognize that these higher bowls may pose challenges for children and individuals of shorter stature, and they often come with an additional cost ranging from $50 to $100. If you're uncertain about which height is best for you, don't hesitate to take a seat on the toilet in the store. It may seem unconventional, but it's an effective way to ensure you get exactly what suits your needs.

6. Get the Rough-In Distance Right

The measurement from the wall to the midpoint of the flange bolts securing the toilet will impact your selection of toilets. The standard distance is 12 inches, although you can find models with 10-inch and 14-inch dimensions. Unless you're conducting a substantial remodeling project, it's advisable to simplify the installation process by opting for a toilet with the same rough-in measurement as your current one. Additionally, remember to factor in the thickness of your baseboard when making your choice.

7. Elongated vs. Rounded

Elongated toilet bowls, which are 2 inches longer, provide increased comfort for many individuals. However, before you make the switch from a standard round bowl, it's essential to take precise measurements. We've encountered numerous instances where doors and drawers became inaccessible after the installation of an elongated bowl, so careful consideration is warranted.

8. Dual-Flush

These toilets are equipped with a dual-flush mechanism, featuring a 0.8-gpf button for liquid waste and a 1.6-gpf button for solid waste. They boast an approximate 25 percent reduction in water consumption compared to standard 1.6-gpf toilets. Dual-flush toilets are offered in both gravity and pressure-assist variants. However, it's worth noting that they come at a higher price point compared to other toilet types, with an additional cost ranging from $150 to $300 depending on the specific model. Furthermore, they offer a more limited selection of color and style options, and on some models, the flush button or handle may be somewhat cumbersome to operate.


Bonus Tip: Black, Red, Beige Toilets

Most people can compromise when it comes to a low vs. high, round vs. elongated toilet, but color is almost always nontransferable from one owner to another! Avoid designer color toilets if you're planning on selling the place.

Check out our selection of toilets - we ship quickly, free, and make sure the products come intact!

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