
Bath4All is partnering with TOTO to provide high-end bathroom and personal hygiene products and services through ongoing research and development. From bathroom fixtures and finish trim to advanced technologies aimed at managing public restrooms in high traffic areas.

TOTO THU458#PB - Trip Lever, Polished Brass with Arm

TOTO THU458#PB - Trip Lever, Polished Brass with Arm

TOTO THU225#PB Trip Lever - Polished Brass for Soiree Toilet Tank

TOTO THU225#PB Trip Lever - Polished Brass for Soiree Toilet Tank

TOTO THU141#PB Trip Lever

TOTO THU141#PB Trip Lever (Side Mount) - Polished Brass for Carrollton, Dartmouth, Promenade, Whitney Toilet Tank

TOTO THU068#PB Trip Lever

TOTO THU068#PB Trip Lever - Polished Brass for Drake (Except Right Suffix) Toilet

TOTO THU148#PB Trip Lever

TOTO THU148#PB Trip Lever - Polished Brass for Clayton Toilet

TOTO THU279#PB Right Hand Trip Lever

TOTO THU279#PB Right Hand Trip Lever (ST743 and ST706) - Polished Brass for Drake and Carusoe Toilet Tank

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